Archive for May, 2010



I have been blessed by having contact with the many intersecting circles that make up my life. I have been sufficiently hugged home.

My garden is my best friend, Doctor, provider and therapist all wrapped into one. My bedding plants are hardening off and preparing to go into the ground and I have finished seeding my backyard pharm. Each year I gain a little more enthusiasm for food as first medicine.

So as I turn the soil I know I am home.

Several of you have asked about my health and I apologize for not writing this entry sooner.

I am very happy to share that all of the testing indicated that I am healthy and whole! There is no sign of uterine cancer and the fibroid has magically disappeared. No trace of it. It was actually pretty fun to think back to the Dr. Who was holding it in her hand 5 weeks earlier.

So what’s behind the little miracle? Intention and the loving care of Mother Earth. Everyone is different, but I offer up what I did as an option for anyone with fibroids. 

Everything is tethered to the thoughts that we hold. A belief is simply a thought we have had over and over. We can change any outcome by first looking at the beliefs that attract the experiences that validate and justify themselves.. All we have to do is open ourselves to a different possibility and connect with our spiritual source to magnetize our being to attract a different outcome.

The first thing I did was make an inventory of my mother’s issues, (because the situation involved my womb. Louise Hay) and wrote an antidote.

Neuro linguistics gives us so many clues as to where our beliefs are rooted. Like weeds gently lifted from wet soil re-framing how we say something is a powerful tool.

For example, My mother is identified with worrying as a demonstration of her love. It can become a compulsion.

My Antidote: I express concern with confidence that the highest and best is being revealed. I send only positive thoughts to my loved ones knowing that even when faced with challenges there are always options that allow us to grow from the experience.

I started the bleeding the day I felt betrayed by Carlos. It was a powerful moment for me when I chose to see the evolving men in my life. I took the opportunity to thank all of those men in person for being who they are and for shifting the outer effects of patriarchy.  I made a list of ten things that I dislike about stereotypical roles for men and wrote an antidote. Let your words enslave no one” Jewel, became a governing principal in thinking “men ALWAYS do this or that…..” I replaced all of those thoughts with the statement, “The Divine masculine/feminine is evolving through each of us.”

*Flooding was the most pressing issue as I had been hemorrhaging bright red blood for a couple of weeks. Lady’s Mantle tincture helped stop the bleeding within three days and the spotting ceased at 5 days.

*ProgesterAll cream is what probably made the biggest difference. I doubled the dose I was taking and I could tell within three days that it was working because I could feel the balancing of my hormones.

*Essential Oils
I used sage, ylang ylang and lavender.

I used my IonCleanse machine and started a series of cleanses including: kidney, parasites (Hulda Clark), liver (with an emphasis on leaching excess estrogen and candida Hannah Kroeger) and gall bladder flush. I am still in process with the cleanses. I was able to resolve a fungal problem on my toes using clove oil as part of the parasite cleanse.

*Goldenseal and Echinacea tincture in a douche helped to re-calibrate my womb and resolved the scent that was bothering me after the bleeding stopped. Probably a rogue bacteria.

*Confidence. I expressed that I would be healed before my doctors appointment and visualized the Doc not being able to find anything. I also visualized polishing my womb and buffing it out like I was working on the shiny finish of a sculpture.

Who knows how everything factored in. I am certain that without the first and last steps the physical healing would have been delayed or halted.


My mantras lately have been
“Hmmmm isn’t that interesting?” invoking curiosity.
“Is this my happiest thought?”
“Is this the highest best possible good?” Feeling my solar plexus for the answer.
“What are my options?”
Always add one off the wall, totally unrealistic thought to brainstorm outside the box.