living prayer

living prayer

December 10, 2009 

     I woke up this morning full to the brim. With joy and wide eyed wonder. When I was 8 I had my first transpersonal experience. My second grade teacher, Sister Mildred, understood what had happened to me. She made me feel like it was a blessing. I was picked on a lot as a child for being weird. Her words always helped me to accept my uniqueness.
     Her words also troubled me because she told me that Jesus had called me to be a nun because of those experiences. I have wrestled with that my whole life. I settled on being a New Age Nun and have created my own definition for answering that call. I do belong to God/Goddess/Mother Earth.
     I found myself singing my favorite Catholic hymns this morning. “This is the Day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be Glad.” And “Here I am Lord. Is it I lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord, where you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.”
What I cherish most on earth are the indigenous ways. Part of what made me so weird is that I never bought into the ways of civilization. My nomadic spirit has brought me to this place in this moment of time.
     Today I give myself fully to my purpose. I answer that call that has guided my life to this point.
     As the sun rises on this day I embrace my authentic self as I go home. All of the aspects of my lives on Earth will integrate when I touch Pacha Mama in this pristine place.
     Today, I become a living prayer.