seven lakes

seven lakes

December 16, 2009 

    I did ceremony with a man named Jesus who was waiting for me to return from Qero. I had met him my first night in Cusco and he noticed my medicine pouch. He is very into Native American traditions and is connected to Wallace Black Elk through spirit.
     He took me by motorcycle to a very remote place away from the tourist sites. We were stopped by an old man on the road who told us we could pass.
     The place was called Seven Lakes. It was a waterfall with seven pools. First we set our intentions and offered Coca leaves in a small hole in a large boulder. Then we went to the other side and he showed me a place where the boulder had been carved out like a stairway. We did breath work and I connected with the ancient energy there.
     It was very powerful and I felt my heart expanding in my chest. I could feel the pressure of every beat. I had my arms outstretched and I envisioned holding the planet in my arms and cradling it like a precious baby. I had a sensation like the let down when nursing and felt stars flowing from my breasts like milk. They swirled above my head and connected me with the Universe. I felt as though I was levitating.
     We went to the deepest pool and he instructed me to bless the water. I placed my hands on the surface, prayed in gratitude for the water that sustains all life on this planet and sang the honoring song.
     He told me to bathe in the water fully submerging my head three times. Me, the happy nudist became shy and I asked him to look the other way. He went back to the area with the carved stone and began playing his flute. The water was cold and took my breath away, but I managed the three dunks, dressed and returned to the area where he was playing.
     He instructed me to take my time and lay on a warm rock in the sun. I was shaking from the cold at first, but the rock soon warmed me and I relaxed to the beautiful sound of his flute. I merged with the rock and felt as though I was sinking into it. The warmth of the rock absorbed me and I was lulled and cradled by it.
     Then we went to an area where I laid out my altar and we did a pipe ceremony. It felt very good to share it with him and his prayers were expressing appreciation. He knew a Sundance song and we prayed in Lakota and sang the Pilahmaya song together.
     We will meet again tomorrow at sunrise. No motorcycle ride and I will be hiking very steep inclines. We will smoke his pipe tomorrow and explore sacred sites that are off the beaten path. I feel most fortunate to share the love we both feel for Mother Earth.
In processing the experience with him he explained that his work is on a cosmic level. That was why I felt I had been swept into the Universe.
     It is so amazing here and I feel like a magnet attracting teachers. I met two more people today who Carrie had wanted me to meet. One knows the plant medicines and the other will take me to a school where single mothers get paid directly for teaching Spanish. Already I am using simple common phrases whenever I get the opportunity.